Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Exuberant Nature: flying

"Thank you flight", Parque Bicentenário, Vitacura, Chile, photo by B. Lima, 2013.

"Exuberant Nature" is the name of a series of photos that I am publishing this month. If interested, please read more about it in this post .

Today I want to take the opportunity to say thank you to all my fellow friends from the lovely group we have on Facebook, which made possible the blog hop of last week. If interested in taking part on the hop, you can still do it. Just click on the buttom on the right. Thank you, girls. And thank you to everybody who had visited and left a lovely comment on my post (here).

Thank you for stopping by.

All images and contents, unless otherwise stated, belong to Bethania Lima. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Please do not use anything without permission or without making note of the origin on your blog or website


  1. Thanks Bethania! You are so sweet!
    this animals look FABULOUS!!! I really have to go visit Chile… !

  2. que momento precioso!
    gostei principalmente da foto vertical, das asas e da marca na água deixada pela carpa.

    sabe o nome deste passarinho?
