Monday, 12 November 2012

Art Every Day Month: "11"-Nov-2012

"Cacti around the house 1", pictures taken by Bethania Lima, copyright 2012.

"Cacti around the house 2", pictures taken by Bethania Lima, copyright 2012.

"Cacti around the house 3", pictures taken by Bethania Lima, copyright 2012.

"Cacti around the house 4", pictures taken by Bethania Lima, copyright 2012.

Technically it is not Nov 11th anymore, because it’s after midnight, but for me it’s not the following day yet, because I hadn’t gone to sleep yet. So I will classify this post as Nov, 11th.
Today I went to a garden show here in Santiago, quite beautiful and inspiring. There were lots of beautiful flowers, plants and objects. There were particularly lots of cacti. I learned to love them here in Chile. There are so many different and awesome cacti. I have some at home. And my “art” today are just some pictures of the cacti I have at home.

"Art Every Day Month" is a challenge created and hosted by Leah Pilken Kolidas, an artist based on Boston. More on the project here and here, where you can find the works of other participants.

 Thank you for paying a visit. 

All images and contents, unless otherwise stated, belong to Bethania Lima. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Please do not use anything without permission or without making note of the origin on your blog or website


  1. we have quite a few succulents in pots around the place and they are such interestng shapes and colours... I love the grey green of some of them... love the shots of yours...xx

  2. Lovely, specially the red ones in the 2th row, and the pink below! great you have the cacti outside, here people have them as "houseplants"... better climate overthere ;-)
