Sunday, 7 October 2012

London lover

"Art is on the air", Covent Garden, London, sep. 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Art is on the air 2", Covent Garden, London, sep. 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
I am definetely a London lover. 
Twenty two years ago I arrived in London for the first time, on the last day of spring. gorgeous blue day, like in my native Salvador city. I don’t think I will ever forget the arrival, the airplane following the Thames towards Heathrow, and the city down there, gorgeous.
But it was not love at first sight. It took me some time to fall in love. Once in love, well, for ever in love.
This time on the last spring night, we arrived in London again. This recent coming back had a special flavour, because our lovely daughter came with us.
For many reasons, I took few pictures this time. So much to do, so little time.
One of the many things I did this time was visiting Tent London. Hope I find the time to do a post on it. Meanwhile, you can read some great impressions from my fellow surface pattern designer friend Mel Smith.
One week later we left London missing it. Hope we go there again. Pretty soon. 
Here you can see some quick visual impressions. Hope you enjoy this very personal sightseeing.
"Ceramics and tiles", Jameel Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Shapes", Jameel Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Brompton Road and V&A shapes", including image from Jameel Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Dishes and Vases", Jameel Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Textures", London, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Stylish and vintage", London, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Shapes and images", London, sep. 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Impressions", London, sep. 2012, pictures by B. Lima.

"Dots all over", London, sep. 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Children patterns in soft colour palette", sep. 2012, London, pictures by B. Lima.
"Type impressions and squares", London, sep. 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Cambridge bits", Cambridge, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Cambridge bits 2", Cambridge, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.
"Cambridge bits 3", Cambridge, sep 2012, pictures by B. Lima.

All images and contents, unless otherwise stated, belong to Bethania Lima. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Please do not use anything without permission or without making note of the origin on your blog or website


  1. Love your London lover post! Once again a great visual summary of your impressions, wow. Would love to share it when you visited London next time..

    1. Dear Miranda, I would love to walk through London with you too. Hope it is possible for the both us in the future!

  2. Sigh. Makes me feel very homesick! London takes some time to fall in love with … but once "fallen", it goes on forever. Same here! Great pictures, thanks for sharing!

  3. a great impression of London - really interesting to see it from a visitors point of view! thanks for the mention as well :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you, Mel. The mention was more than deserved. I originally intended to go to Tent, but got sick and stayed in the hotel room a whole day. After seeing your post, I went to Boots, bought some medicine and an umbrela and there I went...
