Sunday, 10 June 2012

Learning process

When I began blogging I hadn’t a previous idea of how frequently I would be blogging. I still don’t. But apparently Sunday is my blogging day. So here it goes. Today’s post is a summary of my entries for the the “Design your Bin” contest, promoted by dutch firm Brabantia (view all entries). And, guess what, I will not ask for votes this time! It is so embarrassing to keep asking for votes. But this contest is primarily decided by an internal judging panel. Those contests act as excuses for building my portfolio. Some are live briefs and are very hard. Others are more free and accept any theme. Anyway, I learn a lot taking part on those competitions. And I have lots of fun out of it too. Here are my entries. Hope you enjoy having a look at them. A lovely Sunday to you.

Quando comecei a escrever no blog não tinha um plano específico quanto à frequência dos posts. Continuo sem planejamento. Mas aparentemente domingo é o dia de "bloguear". Assim que aqui vamos. O post de hoje é uma resumida dos trabalhos submetidos ao concurso “Design your Bin” ("Desenhe a sua lixeira"), promovido pela firma holandesa Brabantia (veja todas as entradas aqui). E, advinhe, não vou pedir votos desta vez! É tão constragedor ficar pedindo votos. Mas este concurso é decidido primariamente por um júri interno.Essas competições funcionam como uma desculpa para ir construindo meu portfólio. Algumas são baseadas em briefs reais e outras possuem temas livres. De qualquer forma, aprendo um monte participando nesses concursos. E também curto bastante. Aqui estão meus trabalhos. Espero que curta conhecê-los. Um bom domingo pra você.

"Around the garden", photography digitally manipulated. Copyrigth Bethania Lima, 2012.
"Roses play", photography digitally manipulated. Copyright Bethania Lima, 2012.

"Toscana", photography. Copyright Bethania Lima ,2012.

"Lilac Flowers", photography digitally manipulated. Copyright Bethania Lima, 2012.
"Shadows", photography digitally manipulated. Copyrigth Bethania Lima, 2012.

"Lovely winter garden", pattern. Copyright Bethania Lima, 2012.

"Swing shapes", pattern. Copyright Bethania Lima, 2012.
"Dancing squares", pattern. Copyright Bethania Lima, 2012.

All images and contents, unless otherwise stated, belong to Bethania Lima. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Please do not use anything without permission or without making note of the origin on your blog or website


  1. Another great post become a great blogger! love the roses play (and swing shapes)

  2. Hi Beth, just found your lovely blog, love the designs dancing squares is beautiful!

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Thank you for visiting too.

  3. Hi Beth, Just found your lovely blog! Some lovely work - 'dancing squares' is beautiful.
